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microServo Voltage Controller
This product is designed with innovative software algorithms residing on latest technology PIC microcontroller chips. The design is conceived so as to reduce production overheads like wiring and testing when it is put on the servo voltage stabilizer. Integrated voltage stabilizer controller greatly reduces labour costs and increases production rate of the voltage stabilizers.
Advanced PIC Microcontroller based, indigenous design.
Panel mounted Servo Voltage Controller.
Inbuilt driver for AC synchronous servo motor.
Bright 3 digit, 7 Segment display.
Measures & displays 4 parameters including:
Output Voltage, Input Voltage, Output Current, Frequency
Auto trip for Under voltage, Over voltage and Over load with time delay.
Audio/Visual alarm.
Manual mode for field testing.
Fully programmable (on-site/off-site) with 2-level password protection.
User programmable parameters:
Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Over Load, Time delay, Output voltage, Sensitivity, CT Ratio
Advantages Over Conventional PCB Controllers:
Single centralized controller box and hence control and delay PCBs not required.
Control transformers also included within the controller box.
Software based controller takes care of various fault tripping and thereby avoids external relay logic for various tripping conditions.
3 digit segment displays simultaneously input, output voltages, input current and frequency. This completely avoids meters and selector switches. More importantly the interconnections of these components are also avoided saving labor costs and increasing reliability.
Electronic overload tripping feature included in the controller avoids extra hardware otherwise required.
Single contactor required for under voltage, over voltage and over load trips substantially reduced and simplified control wiring reduces the labor cost significantly.
TRIACS used for motor switching are optically isolated from control circuit to protect control PCB and wiring.
* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.